Tuesday, November 29, 2011

hey Eddie, what's up?

King Edward Memorial Hospital

It's where I work now! Josh had written me an email on Thanksgiving, telling me that he might have a direct appointment for me, but that I should call him on Monday so that we could chat about it. We chatted and he said that he wanted to meet me before offering me the position.

So ... I left this morning, traveled an hour to get to the hospital, taking a bus to Fremantle, and then a train to Subiaco, crossing the Swan River, with the beautiful views of the Indian Ocean to my left. When I got to the hospital, I went to the general enquiries desk, and told the woman sitting there that I was looking for Josh White. I gave her my name, but she heard, Mally instead of Molly. I kept saying my name, and she'd repeat Mally, finally, a guy named Rob walked up, winked at me and said that it was my accent, then he turned to the woman and said, "her name is Molly." So finally, she was able to call Josh, and Rob ended up walking me to Josh's office, instead of having me try to find it on my own, how nice! When I thanked him, he said that it was no problem, and that he was taking a break anyways for his morning tea.

Josh and I met for only a few minutes, he showed me what I'd be doing, and asked if I was able to lift boxes and etc., because there would be some of that involved in the job. He offered me the job, I said I'd take it, and then he gave me a stack of paper to fill out. I guess there's still some paperwork to be filled out on their end, so I don't know when my start date is ... and I'm getting a little tired of the bureaucracy of public sector jobs. It seems like absolutely everything takes forever, and everything has to be approved by a supervisor, which has to be approved by another supervisor, and another, and another.

BUT who cares, cause I've got a job working for the government in Western Australia!! :) It's a three month contract, and gives me the time I need to organize getting a Youth Worker job (which is what I really want, which will mean that I will finally be beginning my career :) yay.


  1. *does the yay Molly's got a job happy dance*

  2. testing testing, trying to comment :)

  3. Congrats molly, that is so exciting!!! So what exactly will you be doing? And do you have to drive that far every day? Im happy for you.
